Fit Foodie

A Pitmaster partnered with a nutritional fitness company seems very unlikely. However, that's precisely the case with myself and Blue Star Nutraceuticals, based out of Canada. Part of the most significant change for me during the pandemic wasn't learning how to bake bread or taking up a new hobby, in a sense, like others. The most significant change was the value that I put on myself and my health mentally, emotionally, and physically.

When I started running, I picked up a pair of running shoes I had worn for years and decided to run. I ran a mile, collapsed, and sucked wind for 20 minutes to figure out who does this for fun. I swore I was never going to do that again, and that didn't last long, as the following day, I did it all over again. I continued to do this for the better part of the year, and by the end of it, I couldn't even recognize myself and made such a huge difference physically, mentally, and emotionally.

A couple of months have gone by, I continued on my routine, and Bluster Nutraceuticals contacted me, trust me, I was just as surprised as you are. Pitmasters don't typically partner with fitness-based companies, but I don't consider myself a Pitmaster, just a mediocre fire starter at best. We talked and decided a partnership would be something we both be interested in doing. And it's not your typical. Here's my code do this, do that, that's not what I'm about, and I was never a fan of that type of, let's just say, marketing. We decided I would showcase and continue to showcase my fitness journey and help as many people along the way as I could. They're even a couple of you guys that I chat with almost daily about running and fitness-minded goals.

So fast forward a couple of months, one atom of Blue Star Nutraceuticals reached out to me to let me know they'd like to come to Georgia, fill me in my element, and get some workout contacts. I was definitely up for it put together an entire pop-up of that, and I did a blog writeup about that, so make sure to check it. And then we shot a full day's worth of fitness. Contact me; I have no aspirations of being on Mansell for muscle fitness. I want to help inspire others to take action and hold themselves accountable for their mental, emotional, and physical health and well-being. That's the goal of all of this, not to show off or not to put anyone down, but to show that if I can do it, you can do it too.

Sam Oakes

Web designer based in Harrogate, North Yorkshire

Brisket At the Speed of Sound


Oyster Gathering In Charlestown, Rhode Island